Graduated from the Janáček Academy of Music and Performing Arts in the year 1974, engagements: Satirical Theatre Večerní Brno (1974 – 1983), since 1.8.1983 at Brno City Theatre.
He has happy memories of these roles: Sebastián (Cokoli chcete - Anything You Want), Titta Nane (Poprask na Laguně - The Row at Chioggia), Milan (Nevděčník – The Ingrate), Janeček (Životopis mého strýce - My Uncle’s Life Story), Jean (Bloody Henrietta), Vilém (Rafani), Hippodromos (Osel a stín - Donkey and the Shadow), Egon (Něžný barbar – Tender Barbarian), Dobchinski (Revizor - The Government Inspector), Nikola Rostov (War and Peace), Algernon Montcrieff (Dobrý večer, pane Wilde - Good Evening, Mr. Wilde), Ellis (Žena roku - Woman of the Year), Čochtan (Divotvorný hrnec - Finian’s Rainbow), Agazzi (Každý má svou pravdu - Each in His Own Way), Capulet (Romeo and Juliet).