Představení hraje hostující Mestno gledališče Ljulbjansko Slovenia

Sugar - Nekateri so za vroče / Sugar – Some Like It Hot

Sugar - Nekateri so za vroče / Sugar – Some Like It Hot

  • Genre
  • Stage Drama Theatre
  • Premiere4. December 2008
  • Length2:20 hod.
  • Number of reprises0
  • Price

A musical

This musical was based on the legendary film Some Like it Hot with Marilyn Monroe. It sounds unbelievable, but this film was first shown fifty years ago, in the year 1959. The musical which bears the same name has gained exceptional success worldwide, and in December last year it also came the stage of a Ljubljana theatre, brought there by the director Stanislav Moša.
Two poor musicians quite by chance find themselves involved in a mafia gang war. They are pursued and have no other option but to find somewhere safe to hide. They dress up in women’s clothing and get employed in a band which leaves for a tour to Miami Beach. Florida offers a unique opportunity for the deprived musicians to escape from the eyes of the mafia… However, their crazy adventures are far from over! Thanks to their disguise, they experience a great number of comical situations and as if this wasn’t enough, both our heroes fall in love with a charming singer and ukulele player called Sugar. And as if this wouldn’t be enough, an elderly millionaire asks one of our charming musicians in drag for his hand in marriage…

More information at www.mgl.si

Ticket price: 240 CZK.


  • Jule Styne
  • Bob Merrill
  • Peter Stone

Directed by

Assistant director

  • Lev Predan Kowarski


  • Petra Pogorevc


  • Žarko Prinčič


Background animations

  • Petr Hloušek

Translation of dialogues

  • Alja Predan

Translation of songs

  • Milan Dekleva

Lecturer of step dance

  • Jadran Živkovič


  • Jana Zupančič
  • Gregor Gruden
  • Uroš Smolej
  • Jette Ostan Vejrup
  • Gregor Čušin
  • Janez Starina
  • Jožef Ropoša
  • Silvij Božič
  • Boris Kerč
  • Domen Valič
  • Gaber K. Trseglav
  • Tomaž Pipan
  • Ivan Jezernik
  • Mojca Funkl
  • Ana Dolinar
  • Tanja Dimitrievska
  • Lidija Sušnik
  • spoluúčinkuje sbor a orchestr MGL.

