The Full Monty

The Full Monty

  • Genre Musical
  • Stage Drama Theatre
  • Premiere17. May 2013
  • Length3:05 hod.
  • Number of reprises124
  • Final performance9. December 2024

a musical comedy

This new musical is based on the popular British film The Full Monty. It is a work which has its roots in authentic, unprettified British reality and which shows that sympathetic side to the British character – the ability to take the saddest of human situations: social crisis, unemployment, loss of self-worth – and get a whole load of fun out of them! The musical, just like the film, tells the story of a bunch of unlucky steelworkers who all lose their jobs at the same time. Their efforts to find a new role in life all come to nought, and so out of pure desperation the friends decide to found a group of dancing strippers, despite the fact that they are hardly what one would normally expect to see in a striptease act in terms of their physique and their age... The musical, which not long ago conquered Broadway, features great music in the form of rock-funk arrangements - all the more reason for us to look forward to seeing it at our theatre.

Please note: Tobacco products are used in the performance.

Of course, there is no smoking in the public areas of the Brno Municipal Theatre. If tobacco products are used on stage as part of a prescribed acting event, it is a work of art that enjoys the protection of inviolability under the Copyright Act. A cigarette is thus considered a prop. The use of cigarettes, even electronic cigarettes, in performances already performed is considered to be an artistic effect which cannot yet be replaced by any other means. It is not the smoking of cigarettes or other tobacco products, but the artistic representation of this activity.


  • Terrence McNally
  • David Yazbek

Directed by

  • Stano Slovák

Assistant director


  • Pavel Dominik


Music production


Jerry Lukowski, nezaměstnaný ocelář

Nathan, jeho synek

Pam Lukowská, jeho bývalá žena

Teddy Slaughter, její nový přítel

Dave Bukatinsky, nezaměstnaný ocelář

Georgie Bukatinská, jeho žena

Harold Nichols, nezaměstnaný dozorce z téže ocelárny

Vicki Nicholsová, jeho žena

Malcolm McGregor, nezaměstnaný ocelář

Molly, jeho churavá matka

Ethan Girard, nezaměstnaný ocelář

Nikos (Bejk) Simonidis, ocelář v penzi

Jeanette Burmeister, pianistka

Buddy (Keno) Walsh, striptér

Reg Willoughby, nezaměstnaný ocelář

Tony Giordano, majitel klubu v Buffalu

Bonasorte, Marty, Kněz, Muž

Estelle Genovesová, Jerryho občasná přítelkyně

Susan Hersheyová, kamarádka Pam a Georgie

Joanie Lishová, kamarádka Pam a Georgie


Peter Stoličný 25. November 2017 zdroj

Four years ago, the famous musical by David Yazbek and Terrence McNally The Full Monty! had its premiere at Brno City Theatre. November 2017 saw its hundredth repeat. It has a simple and yet unusual story: rather than being a serious social drama about unemployed steel workers who are desperate to take any job in order to feed their families, it depicts what happens when six men in that situation decide to put on a grand performance and strip in front of a thousand curious and often rather excited women. We witness the demanding preparations for the show, during which the ex-steelworkers have to overcome their embarrassment and clumsiness, as well as their unwillingness to show themselves off only to perhaps discover that no one is interested in them and that all their efforts have been in vain. But when they say the magic words: “We’ll go the full Monty,” their success and earnings are guaranteed. (…) Its many comic situations, beautiful music (mainly leaning towards jazz) and several very nice songs guaranteed this musical world-wide success. Brno´s production, directed by Stanislav Slovák, is a brilliant example of the right kind of musical comedy. (…) The sextet of self-appointed strip dancers consisted of Petr Štěpán, Jakub Uličník, Michal Isteník, Zdeněk Junák, Igor Ondříček and Lukáš Janota. The pianist was played by Zdena Herfortová. The November 2017 performances feature almost the same lineup of actors as at the premiere. (…) And as the gentlemen have matured a bit since then, their efforts to perform a striptease are even more comical. (…) Hats off! The excellent show has passed the hundredth-performance mark and is bravely heading for its second hundred. So let´s wish Brno’s steelworkers every success!



